It is within a property owner’s right to stop and ask a contractor to move work and construction vehicles onto the construction site and off our private roads. If you don’t have time to do so, please contact the board via email with the address, day and time and one of us will follow up with the contractor.
News Posts
Fire Hydrants
The Board is actively working with Walhalla Water Department, Oconee County Emergency Management, Oconee County Planning, and the Oconee County Commissioners’ Office. We are trying to define the process, requirements, and potential costs within the County Administration to add hydrants to our neighborhood.
Nuisance Dogs
What’s happening and actions taken.
- Posted announcement on website about being good neighbors with your dogs.
- If problem continues, please notify board via email.
- Board will investigate and send violation letter to owner if needed.
March 9th BOD & ARB Combined Meeting
Meeting Minutes:
The meeting is called to order at 6:05pm March 9, 2023, by Greg Hilewitz.
Members Present: Greg Hilewitz, Rick Linder, Butch Harrison, Nancy Bishop, Rosemary Shaver, Howard Wiley.
Other community members present: Laura Linder.
Approval of the Agenda: Rick Linder motioned/ Seconded by Butch Harrison
- President: None.
- Secretary:
- explaining the path forward with “Approval of Minutes” to expedite posting the Minutes on the website.
- In order to expedite minutes to be shared with the community, the secretary will share minutes of the meeting in the FLCSA Share Folder. Will email minutes to Butch as PDF. After all approve will email to Greg to be placed on the FLCSA website.
- Greg Hilewitz made a motion that minutes can be approved electronically. Butch Harrison seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
- explaining the path forward with “Approval of Minutes” to expedite posting the Minutes on the website.
- Treasurer’s Report:
- 2/28/23 Financial Reports
- Greg is developing traditional financial statements for reports.
- Greg is currently working on a budget for fiscal year 2023 to present to the board.
- 2/28/23 Financial Reports
- Money Market Update
- Percentage rate from local financial institutions is lower. Citibank has the best interest rates.
- By-law Change for Check Writing
- Discussions were made about getting the bylaws changed to remove restrictions for only allowing check payments. Reference p. 9 of the By-laws as to how to get this changed.
- Website Update:
- Parking lot items:
- Nancy-Nuisance dogs – Nancy gave an update on possible action for nuisance dogs.
- Rick-Fire Hydrants – Rick gave update on number of hydrants and process for obtaining new hydrants (if possible)
- Still need to address-Construction crews parking in street – Nancy noted she didn’t know if neighborhood covenants cover this issue and suggested neighborly approach to rectifying issues.
- How to address-Community Playground – Looking into possibilities
- Parking lot items:
- ARB Updates:
- ARB Rules and regulations: Board Approval
- Nancy Bishop and Rosemary Shaver worked on updating this document. Howard moved to accept the ARB Rules and Regulations Document effective 3.9.2023 Butch Harrison seconded approved unanimously.
- Butch-discussing culverts
- Butch has checked all of the neighborhood culverts and will be making a plan for advising cleanup/fixing of culverts.
- Old Business:
- Laura-Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt update – purchased eggs/treats, working on jump castle rental.
- Adopt formal policy for assessment due dates
- Motion was made by Howard Wiley to adopt the payment schedule in the bylaws Section VI subsection 6.3. Butch Harrison seconded. Motion carried unopposed.
- New Business:
- Anyone who has info to share-Nellie Rd. updates – Stone dust applied
- Nancy-Letter to old board – 8.10.22 $1 Quit Claim Deed issued to MPS Dev. & Windsor for Lot 3-23 (former planned cul-de-sac changed to road) was the proper action to take. No need to send a letter
- Greg-Covenants Review Committee Action – Greg Hilewitz made a motion based on legal advice to put this Committee on hold until construction on Nellie Road is resolved. Butch seconded the motion which was approved unanimously.
- Other
- Next meeting date: To Be Determined
Motion made for meeting to be adjourned at 8:10pm By Greg Hilewitz, seconded by Rick Linder, and passed unanimously.
FLCSA Special Meeting
The special meeting called by the Board of Directors for February 18, 2023 was convened at 1:00pm by Jamie Hellams. The subject of the special meeting was to discuss getting support from the community to address the houses being built on Nellie Road. A quorum of 58 was needed, the community met the quorum requirements and had 78 members and proxies in attendance.
A detailed Treasurer’s report was presented by Greg Hilewitz along with introduction of the new Falcon’s Lair community website.
Jamie Hellams led discussions on the lots on Nellie, the previous meeting with Windsor, and how Gary Yeatts agreed to “walk” the property with the Board to see what our concerns are with the lots. The Board has graciously agreed to walk the property with Windsor and plan to do so in the near future. Additionally, the ARB is in receipt of applications for plans for 12 homes from Century Complete and has reservations about the plans. The Board and ARB are asking the Community to approve the referendum to retain an attorney to advise the Association of our best options to address on the twelve lots on Nellie Road. The referendum passed.
While the ballots were being counted, the Board brought up the concept of a Parking Lot – A place to capture points of discussion that can’t be discussed during the current session or the Board needs to conduct further research. Parking lot items from this meeting are:
- Construction personnel parking on and blocking roads.
- Adding a community playground.
- Nuisance dogs chasing people.
- Adding fire hydrants.
Parking lot items will become agenda items for the Board and ARB and will be reported on in subsequent meetings.
The meeting adjourned at 1:47 pm. See the minutes of the meeting here.
February Special Meeting Prep
The Falcon’s Lair CSA Board of Directors and Architectural Review Board met jointly at 6:30pm on February 16, 2023 at the Hilewitz/Shaver home.
Focus of the evening was a Treasurer’s Report and preparation for the special meeting to be convened at Tamassee-Salem Elementary School on Saturday, February 18th, 2023 at 1:00pm.
For more information about this meeting, see the minutes here.
February 16th BOD & ARB Combined Meeting
Meeting Minutes:
The meeting is called to order at 6:03pm February 16, 2023, by Rosemary Shaver.
Members Present: Rick Linder, Howard Wiley, Butch Harrison, Rosemary Shaver, Bob Greger, Stephanie Corley
Other community members present: Nancy Bishop, Laura Linder, Anna Linder
- Approval of the Agenda: Butch Harrison moved/ Unopposed
- Approval of Minutes from the 1.31.2023 meeting: Butch Harrison moved, Bob Greger Seconded. Unanimous.
- Treasurer’s Report – Attached (ask a board member if needed).
- Unfinished Business:
- These items were tabled on recommendation by Rosemary Shaver to focus on the “Special Meeting” of 2.18.2023.
- New Business:
- Prep for “Special Meeting” to approve the agenda. Rosemary will put this together and send out to Board for approval.
- Laura Linder’s Google Slide Presentation for the “Special Meeting” – Save for viewing by legal counsel.
- Next meeting date:
- ARB will meet February 22, 2023 at 6:00 PM
Motion made for meeting to be adjourned at 7:49pm. Made by Rosemary Shaver Butch Harrison Seconded.
BOD & ARB Meet with Windsor
Monday, February 13, 2023
At The Tavern, Windsor at Walhalla Golf Course
6:30 pm
On Monday, February 13, 2023, at 6:30 pm, the FLCSA Board and ARB met with Gary and Melanie Yeatts and Ryan Calhoun (Windsor at Walhalla LLC members) at The Tavern, Windsor at Walhalla Golf Course. Ryan’s wife was not able to attend. The purpose of the meeting was for Gary, Melanie and Ryan and the FLCSA Board and ARB to meet and have an open discussion of the history and future plans for both Windsor at Walhalla LLC and the FLCSA.
In attendance for the FLCSA Board were President Jamie Hellams, Secretary Rick Linder, Treasurer Greg Hilewitz, Vice-President Butch Harrison and Assistant Secretary Howard Wiley. In attendance for the ARB were members Rosemary Shaver, Stephanie Corley and Bob Greger. Also in attendance was community resident Nancy Bishop.
Gary gave some history of his relationships and dealings with previous members of FLCSA Boards and ARB’s. Both parties stated that their interest now was in moving forward productively.
Jamie informed Gary, Melanie and Ryan that he had been in conversation with the President of Falcon’s Lair West recently and that they were planning to gate off their roads with a farm gate. Jamie also reported that Falcon’s Lair West will be in talks with the FLCSA about cooperating in some manner to be determined. No decisions have been made on this yet.
The group then discussed development along Nellie Rd. Jamie stated to Gary, Ryan and Melanie that the Board/ARB has a problem with the grading on some of the 12 lots within the Falcon’s Lair Subdivision.
Gary then offered to walk the 12 lots on Nellie Rd and Putter Ln the next day with members of the FLCSA Board/ARB to see if we can all identify the problems with the grading and perhaps resolve them. Gary stated that once such a “walk-through” occurred he wants a written agreement with the Board/ARB identifying and resolving the grading issues. The FLCSA members agreed that such a walk-through was a good idea but were not prepared to do it the next day and no date was set yet. Gary also reported that the proposed builder (CenturyComplete or Century Homes) was doing the grading.
CenturyComplete, the builder that built the newest homes in Falcon’s Lair, is the one requesting ARB approval for the 12 lots on Nellie Dr. The ARB has until February 24, 2023 to respond to CenturyComplete, and either approve, disapprove or modify their submitted plans.
FLCSA Board Calls Special Meeting
To: All members of the Falcon’s Lair Community:
Notice is hereby given, and sent via mail per the FLCSA by-laws on 2/6/23, that a special meeting of the Association will be held at 1:00 PM on Saturday, February 18, 2023, at Tamassee-Salem Elementary cafeteria.
The purpose of the special meeting is to discuss and act on the following business:
- Our options as a community for the 12 Falcon’s Lair lots on Nellie Rd.
- A vote on which option we would like to take going forward, if needed.
It is important for us to have a quorum to vote on any option brought up. The quorum will be 58 votes. Please find a list and the contact information of the members and encourage everyone to attend this special meeting or submit their proxy. A proxy allowing someone else to attend the meeting and act on your behalf is attached. This is time sensitive because the board has received a request from Century Homes to begin building on Nellie Road.
We look forward to seeing everyone and sharing ideas!
Your FLCSA Board
A copy of the notice that was mailed and a proxy can be found here.
Chat and Chew
A topic of the January 24th Board meeting that drew a lot attention was keeping the community updated on activities of the Board. In addition to launching the Association website, we want to invite everyone to a Chat and Chew at Steph’s Steaks.
The board has secured Steph’s Steaks for Tuesday evening, February 21st at 6:30pm to meet the board and let us hear your ideas and thoughts about the community. The Board members have generously funded the venue for the evening. Steph’s will be fully staffed and will be offering their full menu for those who wish to dine that evening. Hope to see you there!
To help you out, Steph’s is located at 115B East Main Street in Walhalla. Their website is