May 9th BOD & ARB Combined Meeting

Meeting Minutes:

The meeting is called to order at 6:18pm on May 9, 2023, by Butch Harrison.

Board Members Present: Butch, Greg, Rick, and Howard.  ARB Members present: Nancy, Stephanie, and Rosemary.  A quorum was present.

Other community members present:  Laura Linder

Approval of the Agenda: Rick moved to approve agenda, seconded by Greg, and approved 4-0.

  1. President:  None.
  1. ARB Updates:
  • Update on Nellie Rd. (Nancy) 
  • Proposed letters for lawn mowing (Stephanie) – submitted letter for mowing/keeping lawns mowed
  • Proposed letter for culvert work (Butch) – Update on culvert maintenance
  • Street sign list and options (Butch)  Rick and Butch will ride around the neighborhood and determine needs.

      3. Treasurer’s Report:

  • 2023 Budget – Discussion of draft budget
  • Updates on banking information 

     4. Website Update:

  • ARB section open –  refer people with questions about projects to the website  – When neighbors ask questions, please refer them to ARB to give consistent information.

     5. Covenants Concerns:  None.

     6.  Old Business:  

  • Preparation for Potluck (5.20.23) – Board will provide paper products

      7.  New Business: None.

      8.  Next meeting date: To Be Determined

9. Motion made for meeting to be adjourned at 7:58pm by Rosemary and seconded by Butch. Motion passed 4-0.